[Roadsters] new BRE website launched!

Dennis Currington DC at ClassicRacingPhotos.com
Wed Dec 5 11:50:41 MST 2007

   After  years  of  waiting, the wait is over.  Peter Brock and his wife
   Gayle  have  launched  their new website with all the great photos and
   info  we  all  have been wanting to see for years.  The site is in its
   infancy and Gayle is adding new stuff daily but  is definitely worth a
   visit at this point.
   Here is an excerpt from the site announcing the launch:

   Peter  Brock  and  his  wife and business partner, Gayle Brock, launch
   their  website,  BRE2.net. "This  has  been  Gayle's vision for years"
   shares  Mr.  Brock. "It started years ago when she began archiving all
   the  BRE photos, press releases, posters, apparel, and a wide array of
   other  artifacts.   Then  we started designing and producing parts and
   accessories  for my redesign of the Cobra Daytona Coupe, the Coupe now
   sold  by  Superformance.  Gayle was sending out images and price lists
   of  our parts via e-mail.  Having a background in computers, it wasn't
   too  long before the benefits of a website became startlingly apparent
   to her."  

   From  Gayle's  perspective:.   "Knowing what great eye candy exists in
   the  BRE archives and the great stories Peter has to share, I couldn't
   resist combining the old with the new on our BRE website.  It's been a
   very  ambitious  project  but  a  pure  labor  of love for me.  It's a
   project  that  will  continue  to evolve as more BRE products come out
   (the  upcoming  remote  control  models of the BRE Datsun 510s are the
   coolest  and  models of the BRE Datsun 240Zs and BRE Datsun 2000s will
   follow)  and more archive photos and stories will be posted.  It'll be
   an ever-changing site with the goal that BRE and Coupe fans everywhere
   can get more information from, and about, BRE on an ongoing basis."  
   The  Brocks  explain  the  website name as two-fold: First, the "2" in
   BRE2  represents  the partnership Gayle and Peter enjoy in all things,
   business  and  personal.  Second, BRE2 denotes the resurrection of the
   original mid-`60s BRE with a goal of sharing their archives with fans,
   having  easy  access to the parts and accessories they provide for the
   Coupes,  providing new BRE related products such as upcoming models of
   the  BRE  Datsun  race  cars  and  a  line of apparel and merchandise.
   Ultimately  the  Brock's  will  also  make  available  more  of  their
   photographic  work from their photojournalism business.  Whether it be
   BRE  products,  Coupe  products,  photographs, apparel, merchandise or
   stories, it will be worth coming back again and again to BRE2.net.

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