[Roadsters] Interior Vinyl Trim Query
Lars Tungen
lars.tungen at abaris.no
Sun Dec 2 06:26:37 MST 2007
Maybe the floor trimming section of the parts manual can help:
If the pieces in Dean's kit can be mathced to their corresponding keys in
the fiigure, it would be possible to see where they should go.
Lars Tungen
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> datsun-roadsters-bounces+lars.tungen=abaris.no at autox.team.net
> [mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+lars.tungen=abaris.no at autox.t
> eam.net] On Behalf Of E Scanlon
> Sent: 2. desember 2007 06:29
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Roadsters] Interior Vinyl Trim Query
> I bought one of the Interior Vinyl Trim kits from Dean. See:
> (http://www.datsunparts.com/1832) for the picture.
> I thought it would be somewhat intuitive and easy to match up
> to my prior vinyl pieces however, I'm having a heck of a time
> making heads/tails out of what goes where. Part of this is
> due to the age of the original pieces, and that some of them
> have gone missing. The other part is that the new pieces
> seem to be very generously oversized. As such, I'm not sure
> where they're supposed to overlap and where the gaps are.
> Has anyone bought one of these kits and can help me ID what
> goes where?
> The picture shows 10 items (5 per side)
> I was hoping to get part of this done tomorrow.
> Thanks in advance;
> Enrique Scanlon
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