[Bricklin] Bricklin Digest, speedometer

Alan Morton adm222 at epguides.com
Thu Sep 16 19:28:49 MDT 2010

I have heard that there are places that can repair old speedometers. I just
not found any that are local, the guy at the autozone in Kewanee, IL told me
that there was a guy in town who was real good at it but he died about a year
ago :(  Since I have no idea how long the repair will take do not really want
to loose use of the car for what would most likely be 2 to 3 weeks. Been
averaging about 200 miles a week, so if I put it back together wo a speedomtere
and used it then it would be off when I got it back. Plus if there were
with the old replacement I could alsways send the original off to get repaired.

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