[6pack] Floorpan replacement and Rust repair quote...

dave n dave at ranteer.com
Thu Jun 11 14:26:47 MDT 2015


I am cleaning up the mess from a so called trusted mechanic.  I let him do a lot of the work, which I now realize I could have and should have handled.  he screwed up or didn’t complete a lot and because he kept it so long without finishing it a lot of the bare metal parts have surface rust.

the nightmare continues.

From: im sloane via 6pack 
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 3:13 PM
To: 6pack at autox.team.net 
Subject: Re: [6pack] Floorpan replacement and Rust repair quote...

It's interesting how a topic like this wakes us all up from the dead on this list. It's nice to see everybody again!  

IMO - this is one of those classic topics where we all agree to disagree because we all attack the hobby in our own way. I'm not saying anyone is wrong. There are guys that do all the work themselves, and there are guys that just want it done right and they write the check. And everybody in between. 

I had a buddy at work that had two classics (non-LBC) and he just decided he wanted them to be "perfect", took them to supposedly good experts of both marques, and wrote the big checks. He almost never got his cars back, took years, one guy filed for bankruptcy, his lawyer had to threaten the other guy, ended up taking one of them to a third guy that was even willing to start where the first guy left off. 

Just be careful out there.  YMMV

Sloane :o)

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