[6pack] Connecting Rods with Relief Holes

Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Thu Dec 20 09:20:12 MST 2012


There are two rod styles for TR6, early and late. The late rods appear 
with the change to CF / CR comm. numbers.

The early rods are "better" if you're building a race engine. This is 
according to a reliable source with credentials in materials science.

All TR6 cranks are forged. EN40, if I recall.

If your motor has three early rads and three late rods, there's probably a 
story there unless you have an early CF / CR block in which case you have 
"the luck of the draw"...

Also, if you have different rods types, I'd make sure the dynamic balance 
of the motor is good - there's a difference in the weight of the early and 
late rods. ;-)

Bob Lang              Triumph TR6!!            |  This space for rent
Former NER Solo Chair                          |
Voice:617-253-7438                             |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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