[6pack] Headlight trim rings

Foster, Stan stan.foster at hp.com
Fri May 16 21:34:14 MDT 2008

John, these trims really can try your patience. I bet everyone has their
favorite technique, here's mine.

Examine the bucket flanges and the gasket. Make sure that the flanges have
enough clearance to allow the trim to engage.

Starting at the top, line the trim up so that when engaged the clip at the
bottom will be in the correct location. You can press lightly on the bottom to
observe that the clip would engage.

Now shove the trim down hard so that it engages firmly between the top flange
and the gasket and apply enough pressure from above to hold it there with one
hand. Don't move that hand. With the other hand move to the bottom of the trim
and verify that if you were to attempt to seat it that the clip would engage.
Still pushing down on the top, whack the bottom with your other hand to engage
the clip and while still applying pressure at the top hit the two side areas
of the trim to engage them. If you have to use your knew to keep the bottom
clip engaged. Pushing the trim lip into the area between the top flange and
the gasket and maintaining pressure there seems to be the secret for me.


-----Original Message-----
From: 6pack-bounces+stan.foster=hp.com at autox.team.net
[mailto:6pack-bounces+stan.foster=hp.com at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:47 PM
To: 6-Pack; triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] Headlight trim rings

   I installed new Lucas headlight buckets tonight and I'm having a
difficult time getting the trim ring to seat all the way around the
bucket rim.  I start at the top, and work down and around, but can get
the very bottom to pop on. Ive tried 3 different sets of trim rings
including an NOS set of Lucas.   Is there a trick to this I hope?
John Mitchell  76 TR6

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