[6pack] TR250 stripe colour

Andrew Packard apackard68 at comcast.net
Sat Jun 14 01:06:00 MDT 2008

Hello list:

Can anyone on the list provide a good paint code for the silver stripe on a


My body tub just got painted yesterday with single stage urethane signal
red.  My wife and I saw it tonight.  It's very red.  I'm so used to looking
at bare metal and primer, it was a little bit of a shock.  There are a
couple areas they'll need to go back and touch up.  The bottom of the front
fender wells inside the engine compartment did not get a real good covering.
Hopefully they can address that next week.  They'll also attach all of the
exterior panels and fender beading in preparation for the two stage exterior
paint.   I'll send out a Kodak gallery email with the latest pictures.



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