[6pack] Bonnet buffer wedge position

Jim Franks jimmble at roadrunner.com
Sat Feb 2 04:43:33 MST 2008


I don't want to give you my measurements since the car I have here has 
had the inners replaced. I did want to tell you how much I like the work 
you are doing. Keep at it, it looks great! I personally really like the 
Damson on a TR6. Looks very sexy when all done.

Jim Franks  (I'm a pilot with a British car obsession, too!)

Tomislav Marincic wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to install the 4 rubber wedges that keep the hood/bonnett from rubbing against the inner fenders when it's down. The problem is that I replaced the tops of my inner fenders, so the holes are gone. I'd like to position them as close as possible to the original location.
> Could someone please take a moment and measure the location of the center of their bonnet buffers from a reference point, such as the cowl panel or the bonnet support cones? I notice there's a raised boss stamped in one place toward the aft side of the inner fenders; does one set of buffers go on this? Finally, does the flat bottom side of the buffers go all the way down against the fenders, or are they "raised" to some degree? 
> Thanks again, Tom
> CC55483L
> http://www.triumphowners.com/735
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