[6pack] tranny swap

Foster, Stan (HP IT) stan.foster at hp.com
Mon Dec 8 22:11:11 MST 2008

I would say if all you are doing is a tranny swap and not messing with clutch,
flywheel, rear oil seal etc then it is a good weekend project. Start on Friday
evening by removing the seats, front carpets, dash support and tranny cover.

Saturday disconnect prop shaft, gearbox to engine bolts (note placement or
lack of alignment dowels), clutch slave, tranny loom, remove gear stick,
disconnect rear mount from frame, lift out the tranny with help from stout
friend. Tranny with OD weighs about 100lbs and it has to be lifted manually.

Sunday. You and at least one stout friend install replacement tranny, bolt
everything back up, reconnect and bleed clutch, reconnect loom. Quick test.
Re-install tranny cover, carpet, dash support, seats etc.

Drink beer.


-----Original Message-----
From: 6pack-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:6pack-bounces at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Oliver
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 10:57 PM
To: 6-Pack
Subject: [6pack] tranny swap

OK.  i've got some reasonable mechanical skills; i've worked on a lot of
different aspects of the car, but I'm a newbie compared to most of you guys.

if i have a replacement OD tranny ready to go, about how long to make the
(tranny in car is also od)?


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