[6pack] clutch bleeding, tr6

Sally or Dick Taylor tr6taylor at webtv.net
Mon Apr 14 12:58:02 MDT 2008

Al---Something's wrong inside the bell housing. I know it's a chore to
pull the tranny again, but that's where the answer lies. Shimming the SC
rearward to pick up the new angle of the clutch operating shaft will
throw the angle of attack way off, and the clutch may not release.


From: tr6parts at charter.net(Alan Salvatore)

If thats correct, then thats the problem.
The arm is vertical when pulled to the front, not to the rear. When
pulled to the rear it angles back to the rear and out of reach of the
slave cylinder rod.
The clutch shaft was just installed, not sure how it could be installed
I guess I'll try some spacers or washers to move the slave cylinder
farther back.
Al----The three-holed clutch operating shaft should be near vertical
when pulling the arm towards the rear of the car. This puts the throwout
bearing and associated linkage up against the clutch fingers. At this
point there should be no play.
When connecting the SC pushrod to the clutch arm, this 'rod should be
nestled into the SC piston depression. The piston should be well back
into the SC bore, so it should not come out when depressing the clutch
Of course, as mentioned by another lister, the SC must be mounted in the
correct position on the engine backplate. Otherwise it has to reach too

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