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Re: [Vintage-race] (no subject)

To: "Mark Palmer" <>, "MGVR, Egroup"
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] (no subject)
From: "H Bahn" <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 20:40:24 -0500
Unfortunately, not this year.  Am finally recovering from a badly broken 
shoulder (bicycle, not car accident...) and will be out of the country for 
the next 6 weeks.  I have not driven the race car, not instructed at Summit 
Point since last May, and I sure look forward to getting back into a race 
car next year.  Have a great Turkey Bowl.

JH Bahn
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Palmer" <>
To: "MGVR, Egroup" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 10:52 AM
Subject: [Vintage-race] (no subject)

> All,
> My apologies if you are receiving this more than once, or if you've 
> already
> registered ... I just wanted to remind everyone on this list that you're
> invited to the 11th Annual Turkey Bowl at Summit Point (main course) on
> Thanksgiving weekend (Nov 23-25) -- and the earlybird discount deadline 
> for
> Turkey Bowl entries is this Saturday, November 10th.
> Also, great news: the track has just been completely repaved!  No more
> concrete patches, bumps or lumps.  It's smooth as the proverbial baby's
> behind.
> If you enter & pay by Saturday it's only $250 for all three days!  The 
> entry
> form is attached, and also available on the VRG web site here:
> or go to click on Events, then Turkey Bowl, and you'll 
> find
> it there.  You'll also find lots of useful information in the FAQ on the 
> web
> site.
> If you've already sent your entry, tell your friends!  We can always use a 
> few
> more entries and we can accomodate nearly any car, vintage or modern, in
> either the VRG race groups or our partner's race groups.
> Hope to see you there!
> Mark Palmer
> VRG Event Chairman
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