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[Vintage-race] (no subject)

To: "MGVR, Egroup" <>, <>
Subject: [Vintage-race] (no subject)
From: Mark Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 15:52:57 +0000

My apologies if you are receiving this more than once, or if you've already
registered ... I just wanted to remind everyone on this list that you're
invited to the 11th Annual Turkey Bowl at Summit Point (main course) on
Thanksgiving weekend (Nov 23-25) -- and the earlybird discount deadline for
Turkey Bowl entries is this Saturday, November 10th.

Also, great news: the track has just been completely repaved!  No more
concrete patches, bumps or lumps.  It's smooth as the proverbial baby's

If you enter & pay by Saturday it's only $250 for all three days!  The entry
form is attached, and also available on the VRG web site here:

or go to click on Events, then Turkey Bowl, and you'll find
it there.  You'll also find lots of useful information in the FAQ on the web

If you've already sent your entry, tell your friends!  We can always use a few
more entries and we can accomodate nearly any car, vintage or modern, in
either the VRG race groups or our partner's race groups.

Hope to see you there!

Mark Palmer
VRG Event Chairman
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