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Going rate for transporting

Subject: Going rate for transporting
From: "DRR" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 07:24:08 -0600
Hi all ~

Hope everyone is having a good season.

Can someone tell me what is the current going rate per mile for 
transporting a race car to a track (and back)?

The last time I had a car brought to a track, and the last time I 
brought a car for someone in my two car trailer was 1995 - 1999.  The 
standard charge then was $.50 or $.55 per mile.  Needles to say, at that 
time gas was not pushing $3.00 per gallon.  I would guess the standard 
transporting fee has gone up a bit since then.

Thanks for your assistance.

   ~  Dick Rothman  - Denver, Colorado
        1965 Turner Mk III  

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