Check your front wheel bearings. If they are worn or just losely adjusted you
will get a good case of pad "knock-back". This is not at all like brake fade.
Fade is when you have plenty of pedal, but the brakes have gotten so hot the
coefficient of friction changes and even though you push hard, it will not
stop. Do your brakes work OK after your run, after you pump them up? Also if
you are really experiencing fade, are the pistons in your calipers frozen and
staying in contact with the disc, thereby overheating. Smell the brakes too.
If they are hot enough to fade, you can smell 'em.
>>> John Cowan <> 07/24/01 12:21PM >>>
Took the TR-3 out autocrossing for the first time and enjoyed it quite al
ot. The car handles much better than expected, but the brakes faded
outrageously. By the end of a run, the pedal was nearly to the
floor. Here's my theory and I would appreciate any comments or suggestions.
1. The standard shoes and pads I'm using fade quickly, necessitating moref
orce on the pedal: This is the most obvious possibility, but it didn't
seem to me I was pressing the pedal very much harder than usual (of course,t
his could be an illusion).
2. There is air in the brake lines: Could be. I'm running DOT 5 and
haven't changed the fluid in several years. On the other hand, under
normal driving, I don't need to pump the brakes for them to be effective.
3. In any case, metal brake hoses would improve performance, so I
will install them and change brake fluid at the same time.
Can anyone suggest a source for more effective pads and shoes to use ona
n original '60 TR-3A? (but not *too* race-worthy, since the car is a
weekend driver and I don't want to trash the rotors and drums). The big
three don't offer anything except standard parts.
John Cowan
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