on 7/11/01 7:38 AM, Grant Reynolds at grant62@starpower.net wrote:
> I had an interesting discussion on the grid at (race name deleted) with
> the owner of a 356 coupe made before 1955. He was shifting at 8000. No
> new technology in that engine, I am sure.
I need to find out who built his engine; I shift my 51 356 1300 at 7000.
Oddly, it really doesn't have any particularly new technology -- unless the
mid-1960s is new.
> Carl McLelland wrote:
>> Remember that the management at Porsche back then was
>> absolutely abhored at the thought of ANYONE racing anything other than a 4
>> cam Carrera! A pushrod 356 series car was intended for going to the grocery
>> store, and happy motoring on the weekends! It wasn't intended as a racecar.
Yes, well when mine was built in 1951, there were no four cams and Porsche
saw fit to race the VW based engined cars at Le Mans!
Brett Johnson