Might I suggest SCCA Vintage Racing! We have been doing Vintage racing as a
regional event race with the normal SCCA venue for the last 10 years or so.
We get ex-SCCA racers, newbies, and those that are out for a drive. And
RARELY is there any contact! And if there is, it is dealt on an individual
basis. It is amazing how much good a drivers meeting can do.... it is
stressed that this is not 'cut and thrust' racing....there are other venues
within SCCA if that's the kind of racing you want to do. As far as cheating
is concerned...sure it goes on...like in any form of racing. If you really
feel someone has that unfair advantage, there are procedures to follow if you
feel that strong. The whole idea with our group is to keep the old cars on
the track and out of the junk pile. And sure, we'd love to have lots of
spectators. Maybe some day we can have a stand alone event. In the mean
time, we're having entirely too much fun! Come race with us up north.
Dan Mullin
Vintage Chair
Oregon Region-SCCA
Joseph_Chimbolo@hyperion.com wrote:
> SCCA racing, is racing. But I must say the vintage race community has
> thier head in the sand these days.
> I don't see that "vintage spirit" too often any more. I see many torn up
> race cars at every vintage race. Possibly
> more than at an SCCA race. I am sure the cost of repair is much greater.
> And cheating! Please. Vintage rarely
> checks motors. How many FF's have 5 spd gearboxes and other questionable
> engines. We won't even get to the
> other vintage cars.
> So no one group is better than another. Cheating is part of racing, always
> has been. As for respect, I don't know
> that SCCA drivers don't respect others. But they are out there for the
> same thing, to win. Sometimes vintage is a little
> scary when you see 5 or 6 guys who know how to drive, running at 110% out
> there with someone who is just taking a drive.
> If you ask me the HSR/LRP fall festival looked like an SCCA race or PCA
> club meet. So you should just run SCCA, stick around
> afterwards and have a beer.
> John Rosevear <jrosevear@thinkinginvestments.com>@autox.team.net on
> 03/28/2001 10:44:03 AM
> Please respond to John Rosevear <jrosevear@thinkinginvestments.com>
> Sent by: owner-vintage-race@autox.team.net
> To: vintage-race@autox.team.net
> cc:
> Subject: RE: Vintage Racing?
> could it also be that SCCA racing is cutthroat, cheating is widespread,
> bumping (and worse) is commonplace, and respect for fellow competitors is
> an
> anachronism? could it be that this is what has driven many of us who just
> want to test our skills and enjoy a weekend at the track in the company of
> grownups to consider vintage racing?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Baltimore Knife & Sword Co. [mailto:racecar@baltimoreknife.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:59 AM
> > To: vintage-race@autox.team.net
> > Subject: RE: Vintage Racing?
> >
> >
> > could it be the stands are empty because the cars arent interesting?
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-
> > [mailto:owner-vintage-race@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of
> > Joseph_Chimbolo@hyperion.com
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:10 AM
> > To: teamnet@hyperion.com
> > Subject: Vintage Racing?
> >
> >
> > I love all types of racing, but I am going to try to get more
> > involved with
> > current SCCA machines. US road racing needs your support.
> > It is sickening to see the stands at CART/IRL and Trans Am
> > races. The only
> > road racers left will be vintage racers. Speedvision/Motorola Cup
> > is an great series and may be the start of a return of Road
> > Racing interest
> > in the US. We just got F1 back.
> >
> > So when you are buying your next car, why not buy an IT car
> > and really race
> > with SCCA or sponsor a car.