wrote: I am
> looking for an old Book Published in Sherbrooke by a motorsports writer by
> the Name of Len Coates. The book was limited in circulation, but being an
> automotive sort of guy, I thought you may have some idead where to find or
> may have one that I could purchase from you or someone who is an
> automotive book type, I would like it for my grandchildren who have no
> idea what racing in Canada and Europe was like in 60's.. Oh so many
> stories to tell and no talent to do it. The book is titled " Challenge,
> The story of Canadian Road Racing". Perhaps some one knows the
> whereabouts of Len Coates.
> Again Thank you for any help you can give.
> Wayne Mitchell, San Diego CA
Good luck... there's two of us on this list.. Derek Harling in Windsor Ontario
and me in Toronto
who are looking for "Challenge". A friend of mine has a copy - he let's me
hold it now and then
but reading it is out of the question...I might use up the type.
Maybe I can get him to let me photocopy it and (baring Len or an estate
challenge) e-mail it to
Mike (unChallenged) Rosen