> I am trying to sort through MGB brake pad choices.
> 1) Victoria British "competion brake pad set"
> 2) VicBrit MGC brake pad set, (25% larger)
> 3) Moss brake pad set, high performance semi-metallic
> 4) Moss "oversize" brake pads, presumably MGC style
> 5) Various Hawke blends
> 6) Various Porterfield blends
I own both an MGC street car and an MGB racer. The pad and caliper design
completely different. Unless you are talking about somehow swapping
calipers too
I don't see the two being compatible. The B pad is somewhat eliptical ,
the C pad
is quite rectangular. The B pad is retained by pins against the edge of the
pad, the
C pad is retained by pins through holes in the pad. Looking at them I don't
think the
actual friction area is all that much different in area size anyway. I
believe MGB
calipers are Lockheed, the C uses Girling.
I have purchased competition B pads from Vicky Brit and each time have been
supplied something different. If you like what you get you won't
necessarily get the
same thing a second time. I now use Hawke BLUE pads for the MGB I purchase
Pegusus in Winconsin (I'm sure you can get them various other places). They
great! I'm not familiar with "oversize" pads available for MGBs.
If you or others know something I don't about B/C pad compatability that I
don't ,
Kelvin Palmer
Riverwoods, IL
MGB Blue 34