In a message dated 1/12/01 6:45:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> << Unfortunately, the local groups frowned on it as non
> vintage and I had to remove it to put in an inferior low back seat >>
> And what groups might those be? A race seat is safety equipment for crysake.
> Several of the left coast clubs frown on things that can be seen as being
> non-vintage. That would include high back seats and roll cages to name 2
> "safety" items. I have to admit there were darn few "racing" seats at the
> amateur level, and no roll cages on any open car that I can recall prior to
> 1967 (cut off year for many groups) so there certainly is no precedent for
Good enough then...good enough now...?
Nick in Nor Cal
Even my ex Bob Sharp SPL310U only had a roll bar ...and even worse, the
scattershield was only a piece of 1" angle iron about 4" long bolted to the
firewall !
Yikes, how's that for "safety"