Before I ordered one I asked Pegasus about the difference. I was told the
only difference is the color. I ordered the cheaper one, (black), and I am
pleased with it on my sports racer.
Best Wishes for the New Year to Uncle Jack from Team Escargot!
Paul Meis
>From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
>Subject: mirror
>Date: Mon, Jan 8, 2001, 7:36 PM
> I need to buy a convex rear view mirror that stands up on a pedestal.
> Pegasus lists two of them. One is a Spa unit for $160.74 and one is an
> S2000 unit for $139.99.
> Does anyone have any experience with either of these, pro or con?
> --
> uncle jack
> Like I said, "Life isn't long enough for me to do another ground-up
> restoration". Well, thank goodness, it is.