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RE: Triumphs and roll overs

To: "''" <>,,
Subject: RE: Triumphs and roll overs
From: Sadek Charles H DLVA <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:43:35 -0400
While this is fresh in everyone's mind, a point about seat mounting.  NASCAR
(local good ole boys tracks) requires the seat be mounted to the cage and
not to the floor.  Reason is that if T-boned or side impact on a wall, you
and your seat go with the banged in cage instead of being pinched ? crushed?
between the bent in cage bars and the immovable seat.  Of course, for many
of our cars this mounting isn't possible.  It is on a 60s economy
compact-now full-size or at least mid-size Yenko Corvair!  <G>  Come by and
you can look at one way to do it.  
        See you at WG or SP or VIR-(If we don't throw another rod (rod
bolt) we did at VIR!).  Of course, we'll at least make WG!
        BTW, the only race I have been to where Peter Krause was the
announcer is the only race where I threw a rod...........hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Chuck Sadek
YS 73

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 7:10 PM
> To:;;
> Subject:      Re: Triumphs and roll overs
> A point that I noticed when helping to load the TR on jack's trailer. The 
> window net was mounted to the door. This is an absolute no-no in SCCA. It 
> must be mounted to the roll cage. I have been telling people this all
> season. 
> When the door opens, as it did in this case, you lost the window net, thus
> the reason for mounting it to the roll cage. If anyone else out there has
> it 
> mounted to the door, get it remounted to the cage so you will have a net
> when 
> the door comes off.
> Bill Dalton, aka Slow (No Chord) Hand
> VSCDA Chief of Tech

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