Malcolm, that number will only date back to when the SCCA started to
require log books, I think 1972, so it won't really tell you what you want
to know. San Francisco Region Comp Chair may have records of the member
who originally registered it. From the number I would guess it to be some
time post 1972. John
MalcolmCox wrote:
> I have an old ex SCCA race MGA, bought as a basket a couple of years
> ago and now anxious to be reborn to former glory.
> Information about its history is non existant, including the SCCA log
> book.
> However, the one clue I have is the number 33-955 stamped on the roll
> bar.
> This is apparently the SCCA inspection number, which is the same as
> the log book number.
> According to the very helpful local SCCA archivist, they are slowly
> inputting a garage full of data into a database, but at this time,
> they cannot trace this
> number.
> I understand that the number indicates San Francisco SCCA region.
> Presumably, the 33 indicates region and 955 is a chronologically
> assigned serial number.
> So does anyone have a log book number any where near this number from
> which, perhaps I could interpolate approximately what year it was
> assigned
> and perhaps threfore, when it started racing?
> Malcolm, Napa
> with one very red MGA and another very decrepit one, looking more like
> a donor car every day.