I suppose you keep the salamander right next to the swamp cooler you use
in the summer. Turn them both on and you'll have a steam sauna. ;=)
Tombread@aol.com wrote:
> ... We don't need no
> stinkin' heated floor in Indiana. Real racers make do with a salamander
> during the winter months. (A salamander is a metal tub with a detachable
> lid and stack that holds about 20 gallons of kerosene; you light the kerosene
> and the entire surface ignites, and you quickly clap the lid back on. The
> device makes an ominous noise as it turns nearly red hot and roasts
> everything in a six foot radius. It is particularly entertaining if you slop
> any of the fuel on the sides while you are replenishing it, as the whole
> infernal machine will come ablaze when you relight it. It is a good way to
> find out just how effective your garage extinguishers are.)
> That said, I now have a swell hanging propane furnace in my garage, and a
> carpeted floor.