If its any help I have a 71 911 that used to have 2 X 2" dia 3 into 1 with 3"
dia X 18" long straight through silencers, which just of tick over was 112db. I
tried to quieten it with super trap discs but all it did was kill the power.
I now have the 2, 3 into 1's turning through 90 degrees, one crossing over the
other through a 24" oval silencer that has two 2" straight through pipes, when
they exit they turn down to the ground. this has reduced the noise by a huge
amount and I think, improved torque! the other advantage is that it's harder to
get the sound test equipment on to the tail pipe.
Mark Roper
Gavin Ivory wrote:
> For a bunch of different reasons, I need to lower the noise levels on a
> vintage race 914-6.