Uncle Jack, You the man! Don't forget to use pipe for that roll bar. John
Jack W. Drews wrote:
> Genuine vintage parts? Hey, this is fun. I'm considering re-doing my car
> to 'true' vintage configuration.
> 1. 2" seat belts will be just fine.
> 2. Roll hoop braced with just two diagonal braces - just like my Sprite
> in 1963 - saves weight anyway.
> 3. Pirelli Stelvio street tires -- I know where there are four that are
> 30 years old -- dynamite tires back then, and cheap...
> 4. Will extract vintage air from some 30 year old tires at the junk
> yard.
> 5. ditto trans and rear end grease. Ever notice how thick and gooey it
> gets after 30 years? gotta be good stuff.
> 6. They only sold one grade of brake fluid back then --
> 7. I know the guy who now owns my old cotton drivers suit -- but finding
> original 20 Mule Team Borax for fire retardant will be a challenge...
> 8. The nice glossy paint on my current car may be an aerodynamic
> enhancement -- maybe I can find some of that Sh--ty ol British stuff (By
> the way, did you know that nitrocellulose lacquer, used on U.S. cars
> immediately after the war, and still used occasionally for insanely
> beautiful classic restorations -- was made in WWII gunpowder plants from
> the same stuff? I've used it -- )
> 9. Best gas I could get in the 70's was to mix Sunoco highest test and
> aviation gas, but to take care of lower specific gravity of avgas I had
> to open up the S.U. jets --
> 10. I guess I'll draw the line at accommodations -- sleeping in the open
> pickup bed, under the stars, at Wilmot Hills, would be too hard on the
> ol' bod -- besides -- Wilmot Hills is no more...
> --
> uncle jack
> TR4 Rallye Replica vintage racer