JWoesvra@aol.com wrote:
> Which is more significant in terms of racing history? A Petty or Earnhardt
> stock car or a street Sprite made into a "race car" in 1993? Which will
> create more spectator appeal that will generate the cash that we need to
> offset the increasing costs of putting on these events?
Converting a race into a spectator event is an excellent way to increase
its cost. Not only is the insurance substantially more expensive, but
the spectator event requires additional promotion costs to attract
enough spectators to at least break even.
>Hey, I like Sprites
> and MG's as much as anyone, but they won't pay the bills.
>From looking at the grids in VARA, CSRG, and HMSA events, I doubt that
any single type of car pays the bills of non-spectator racing. Frankly,
I don't see the need or benefit to the sport to increase the number of
spectator events beyond those that presently exist.
Tom M
Elva Courier #43 (which was actually racing in 1959)