Brian Evans wrote:
> While it's been announced that Mosport has been leased to ISMG on a long
> term basis, I've heard a rumour that is very interesting - totally based on
> one unconfirmed conversation, but what the hey...
> Mosport will be closed for most of the summer, in late june, july and early
> august, and will be re-paved, widened two feet, the bump in the backstraight
> removed, run-offs improved, pits rebuilt, etc. in time for the IMSA race
> held in August.
> Neat huh?
> I only hope that we small time racers in Ontario can still afford to rent
> the track!
Well....I had a meeting with the people from IMSG about our Mosport event June
A. They're very ggod to work with and want to keep very good relations with all
local clubs who use Mosport as their home track.
B. They won't divulge any of their plans - officially,
I think that shaving down the hump at the top of the back straight and building
chicane on the back straight is about as much as can be accomplished this year.
The eventual plan IMHO is to widen the pits and pit lane...but that means
moving the
front straight north and reconfiguring corner 10 - it could be too ambitious
for this
Mike - "helping to spread rumours for 1/100 of a decade"