Jeff Snook wrote:
> Can anyone give me the phone number of Bill Ward who drives a 1971
> Crossle Formula Ford and lives in Miami? He told me about some company
> that does helmet graphics and I forgot who they were.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Snook
> Battle of Britain Racing
Having already sent you Bill's number, I'd like to plug MY helmet
painter. He is often found at the track here in Florida and does very
high quality work. He did both Rocky's helmet and mine based on colors
(exact to samples given) and designs given to him. I don't have a shot
of mine but some of Rocky's can be seen in the picture of her testing
out the Lola at Moroso by going to Rocky's page at (her personal page). This
photo also shows how our FF project turned out - first race next
Good luck with the helmet - and, if you don't already know, you may as
well start with a new, Snell 95 rated helmet as the paint job may cost
an equal amount (depending on the design...)!!!