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That's a great chart! =C2=A0=0A=0AI knew the last TR4A=C2=A0head was the b=
est, and I bought one for my engine rebuild 6 months ago, and that chart r=
eally spells it out. =C2=A0Thanks for sending that link.=0ARye=0A=0AOn Apr=
13, 2016, at 04:29 AM, Allen Hess <allenhess@mgcarclub.com> wrote:=0A=0AS=
ee this:=0Ahttp://www.expeditionlandrover.info/2trSite/FAQ_heads.htm=0A=0A=
Sent from my iPad=0A=0AOn Apr 11, 2016, at 5:17 PM, "Andrew Uprichard" <au=
prichard@uprichard.net> wrote:=0A=0AI realize the carbs and intake manifol=
ds changed as the cars progressed from the TR3 =E2=80=93 TR4 =E2=80=93 TR4=
a, but was there any change to the head itself?=C2=A0=0A=C2=A0=0AAnd can a=
ny manifold / carb combination be used on any head?=0A=C2=A0=0AAndrew Upri=
boundary="Boundary_(ID_1cmXHdc0/VslqtkMsZOVZg)"; type="text/html"
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<html><body><div>That's a great chart! </div><div><br
><div>I knew the last TR4A head was the best, and I bought one for my=
engine rebuild 6 months ago, and that chart really spells it out. T=
hanks for sending that link.</div><div></div><div>Rye</div><div class=3D"x=
-apple-signature"></div><div><br>On Apr 13, 2016, at 04:29 AM, Allen Hess =
<allenhess@mgcarclub.com> wrote:<br><br></div><div><blockquote type=3D=
"cite"><div class=3D"msg-quote" dir=3D"auto"><div>See this:</div><div><spa=
n><a href=3D"http://www.expeditionlandrover.info/2trSite/FAQ_heads.htm"; da=
r><span>Sent from my iPad</span></div><div><br>On Apr 11, 2016, at 5:17 PM=
, "Andrew Uprichard" <<a href=3D"mailto:auprichard@uprichard.net"; data-=
gt; wrote:<br><br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div><style></style><div=
class=3D"WordSection1"><p class=3D"MsoNormal">I realize the carbs and int=
ake manifolds changed as the cars progressed from the TR3 =E2=80=93 TR4 =E2=
=80=93 TR4a, but was there any change to the head itself? </p><p clas=
s=3D"MsoNormal"> </p><p class=3D"MsoNormal">And can any manifold / ca=
rb combination be used on any head?</p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"> </p><p=
class=3D"MsoNormal">Andrew Uprichard</p></div></div></blockquote><style c=
lass=3D"existing-message-styles" type=3D"text/css">.msg-quote p.msonormal,=
li.msonormal, div.msonormal {margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 11pt; f=
ont-family: Calibri, sans-serif;}=0A.msg-quote a:link, span.msohyperlink {=
color: blue; text-decoration: underline;}=0A.msg-quote a:visited, span.mso=
hyperlinkfollowed {color: purple; text-decoration: underline;}=0A.msg-quot=
e span.emailstyle17 {font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: windowtext;}=
=0A.msg-quote .msochpdefault {font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;}=0A.msg-qu=
ote @page WordSection1 {size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 1in;}=0A.msg-quote div.w=
ordsection1 {page:
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