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RE: Going retro with cassette tapes

Subject: RE: Going retro with cassette tapes
From: Greg <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 07:17:51 -0800 (PST)
No great advantage if you don't mind wiring your audio cassette deck up to your 
computer.   For me personally, I didn't want (more accurately, my wife didn't 
want) the cassette deck sitting on the desk in our home office next to the 
computer.  For about $110 for the PlusDeck (I don't remember the exact cost), I 
have a stealth installation with no extra hardware taking up real estate on the 
desk.  I do a lot of audio conversion and that alone was worth the price to me. 
The only other advantage (to me anyway) is that you control the cassette deck 
from the software on your computer using your mouse.  The deck also has 
transport controls on the front of the deck itself, but I use the software 
interface to run it.  More convenient.  While the software that comes with it 
is very basic, it can parse the audio into individual files based on silence 
gaps.  However, I don't use this feature because I can do it more accurately 
while remixing it in my WAV editing software after the transfer.  That way you 
don't have to worry about it splitting the file in the wrong place because an 
intentional gap of silence in the middle of a song.  Also this works better 
with live recordings (which is mostly what I work with) since there are rarely 
any silences between songs.  Therefore I run the tape as one continuous WAV 
file and then parse it up in a better editing package (Sony Sound Forge).
I also transfer the audio that I plan to remix into pure WAV format with no 
compression so that I am working with the source files rather than compressed 
files.  Once I finish editing and remixing, I convert it to MP3 if compression 
is needed.
Greg H
Denton, TX
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 16:45:39 -0800
From: "Randall" <>
Subject: RE: re. Going retro with cassette tapes

So what exactly is the advantage of the PlusDeck over a conventional 
deck ?  Just that it pushes a button for you every hour or so ?


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