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Re: por-15

To: Mark Hooper <>
Subject: Re: por-15
From: Don Malling <>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 09:51:38 -0400
 From what I know POR-15 would work fine inside the frame if there was some 
good way to clean the 
inside. I don't know how to do that.

My plan is to use Dinitrol 3125 inside the frame. It's a waxy rust preventative 
kind'a like Waxoyl 
but it's supposed to be lots better. It's also very expensive and only 
available in UK. 
$25.00/liter. I suppose Waxoyl would work too. Some folks spray motor oil 
inside he frame.

I think the major problem is getting the dirt, dust and rust out of the frame, 
so you need something 
that will soak through whatever crap is left inside. I think the POR-15 will 
not make an air tight 
seal when put on top of all the dirt inside the frame. That's why they want you 
do do all the 
surface prep before using it. I'm in the process of shaking the dirt out of the 
frame and using a 
shop vac. I'm counting on the Dinitrol 3125 to soak through whatever is left. 
My understanding is 
that Dinitrol 3125 soaks through dirt and whatever better than Waxoyl. Waxoyl 
tends to lay on top. 
We'll see how it works.

No easy answer I guess. Maybe motor oil... Cheap and runny :-)

Don Malling

Mark Hooper wrote:

> Hi Don:
> POR = Paint On Rust, no?
> Can I spray it into the drainage holes in my frame? I scrubbed down and
> painted my frame on the outside during the rebuilt, but I never did the
> inside. Bitterly regretting that now. I have some loose flakes in there and
> wondering what's happening. Thinking blasting out the frame with compressed
> air then POR with a spray bottle would help stave off future rusting. What
> think the massed minds?
> Mark
> 1972 TR6
> ________________________________

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