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aircraft writeups

Subject: aircraft writeups
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 18:34:27 -0700 (PDT)
I havn't seen too much humor associated with aircraft log books. If I forget to 
sign it in black ink I get scolded by the chief pilot. The biggest problem we 
have is getting management to actually agree to fix a problem, they like for 
you to carry around and dump it on the next guy, someplace where it can't be 
fixed. So you end up taking a stand to get something fixed before the plane 
goes around the world. I've had to break things so that they can't be signed 
off as "ground check normal" after being written up numerous times. What makes 
it even more fun is that you are responsible for everything in the book once 
you sign it, and even more responsible if the crew doesn't write up every 
little thing.
Like I said, humor is not something you see very often, but pilots and 
mechanics are in it together and you sure get to know who the good guys are.    
     Joe Mato B747, TR3

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