> There is NO brake fluid that won't just roll the paint off the bracket.
> Seems to me that alot of you would rather spend a major amount of time
> on things that can be solved much easier by spending just a little money
> instead of spending a whole weekend working on something that winds up
> costing you more in the long run in aggravation and possibly doing it a
> second time and making spouses mad when you could solve the problem for
> just a little more money in a fraction of the time....
Jim, could you amplify a bit on this statement ?
DOT-5 silicone will absolutely not harm any (dry) paint (although it does
attract dirt a bit). And as Fred has pointed out, even DOT-3/4 won't harm
cured powder coat.
As far as spending a whole weekend ... well, we're Triumph owners ! If we
wanted something to not work on, we'd probably all drive Toyotas or
something ...