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Re: honda site, now super cars

To: "don spence" <>, <>
Subject: Re: honda site, now super cars
From: "John Peacock" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 20:22:59 -0400
References: <>
Not 300hp here, and it is funny looking.  Not really all that impressive
performance at all.  We had a 1988 Celica Alltrac that would have waxed
these specs.  Probably fun to drive just the same. Would like to see the
lateral g forces with the all wheel drive. Track Performance:

      0 - 60 Acceleration (sec):  6.3
      1/4 Mile (sec @ mph): 14.9@90.0
      60 - 0 Braking (ft):  115
      200 ft. Skidpad (g's): No Data
      600 ft. Slalom (mph):  64.5

> Speaking of modern super cars, I had the chance to try out my friends
> Subaru Imprezza. Yeah the one with half the alphabet added to the tail.
>   Talk about smiles per mile. 300HP from 2.5 liters of flat four, six
> speed, all wheel drive, no torque steer,four wheel discs,  recaro style
> wrap-around seats and a GO pedal that knows the meaning of the word
> plus a stop pedal that works very well indeed.
> Step on it hard and it lurches forward up to 3000 rpm then the
> afterburner kicks in!!!!
> Truly frightening!! But FUN!!!
> Yeah I know, the top doesn't fold and the whale tail is a bit goofy (He
> removed it and the badging and is working on the hood scoop. Can anyone
> spell "sleeper") but boy is it a driver's car.  And yes, it can be
> driven sedately with the wife and 2 kids.
> There is definitely something to be said for modern technology.
> Cheers

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