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Re: Some opinions please

Subject: Re: Some opinions please
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 21:06:51 -0400
On 6 Aug 2003 at 19:10, wrote:

> I'm working on a radio story about the informal/perceived
> hierarchy of antique cars.  That is, who waves to whom when
> passing on the road, who would you feel inferior/superior to 

With all due respect, something about this concept bothers me.  There 
may be folks who'll refuse to acknowledge me but I try to acknowledge 
all older cars.

Miata drivers generally don't notice me one way or another because 
their cars are pretty common and new enough to be not really a cult-
car requiring special treatment.  However if a Miata driver waves (or 
speaks in a parking lot) as one roadster driver to another, I'll wave 
back.  Many Jag owners seem to be oblivious to LBC's, even in older E-
types that would indeed seem to be cult-cars.  Perhaps they are the 
folks you should be asking, but I've always attributed that behavior 
to a lack of LBC awareness, replaced by a sense of value of their 
cars.  While driving the GT6 I once had an exchange of waves with a 
woman driving a new Mini before they were commonly available, someone 
apparently aware of the Mini's heritage.

Discounting their original cost (because I'll never be able to afford 
the Aston-Martin I really want :-), certainly all the British-
Leyland/Jaguar-Rover-Triumph cars share much common heritage.  Even 
if they didn't, their owners now share many common miseries.  But the 
bottom line is that it is fun to acknowledge others and receive 
acknowledgement.  So much fun that, shucks, I'll even wave to an MGB!

Just my $.007.

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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