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RE: The NEW Italian Job - Review

To: "'Scott A. Roberts'" <>, Kurt Oblinger <>,
Subject: RE: The NEW Italian Job - Review
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 06:50:50 -0400

Well there is a car crash in "it's a wonderful life". He hits a tree
remember. In the new version he would knock over the tree which would fall
on the guy's house which would explode due the naturally dangerous nature of
snow-covered tar shingles. And as for throwing a rock at the glass in the
old house, well only a rocket-propelled grenade would suffice. They would be
conveniently hanging from lamposts all over town, just in case of pressing

If you want films made for adults check out and read the
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Amazingly it has almost three times the attendance rate of a standard
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and cow-like munching noises all around you in the dark.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott A. Roberts []
Sent: May 27, 2003 3:27 AM
To: Kurt Oblinger;
Subject: Re: The NEW Italian Job - Review

> The new movie doesn't share a lot with the old one, which is a shame. The
> new movie is a pure action drama with little of the humor of the original.

Hollywood has lost the talent for making movies with humor, or drama-
everything has to have explosions, sex, and some damn rap theme song, to
attract the barely post pubescent crowd which is currently the target
audience. Some of the major reasons I really don't bother to make the effort
to go to the movie theater very often. I'd bet these bozos would find a way
to add explosions and vehicular carnage to a remake of "It's A Wonderful
Life" with, perhaps Justin Timberlake in the Jimmy Stewart role, and Tom
Arnold as "Clarence" the guardian angel... They just don't make movies for
adults anymore. (And I don't mean "adult movies" either. Give me any of the
true greats from the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, even early 70s...)


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