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Success, engine is now cranking fine.

Subject: Success, engine is now cranking fine.
From: richard triplett <>
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 06:44:24 -0700 (PDT)
First, thanks to the many individuals that took the
time to send me notes re starting issues with
TS42099L. I suppose I became very nearsighted after my
intial problems with trying to get post 50000 starter
to work with pre 50000 flywheel. I was just expecting
the worse and wasn't able to get down to the
fundamental laws of electronics as troubleshooting. I
had originally used 2 runs of jumper cables connected
together, so I could test starter from battery of car
20 feet away. This produced VERY little current and
caused severe problems. Thought I had it licked with
removing the longer cable and putting battery beside
car and jumping with short, stout ones. It must boil
down to what Randall said: The teeth of cables (on
both ends of circuit, I'm sure) just can't compare to
the solid connections of a batter cable that is meant
to do that job.

A quick trip to autozone produced two appropriate
battery cables, 2 gauge. I'm not messing around
anymore. :) Hooked everything up and it now cranks
like it should. Not saying that I won't have to do an
engine rebuild before it's all said and done, but
things are looking up at this point. Just got to get
fuel to the carbs and spark to the plugs. Will make
sure to report back when (IF?) the engine fires up.

I feel rather silly for skipping over the most basic
level of troubleshooting, but hopefully I will learn
from this. The restoration is still long ahead of me
and I am certain I will have many opportunities to
"Keep It Simple Stupid" (KISS method) and solve
problems by keeping it basic.

I can't thank this list enough for being here for me. 


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