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RE: brain dead... over heating? but gauge is fine!

To: "ptegler@cablespeed" <>, <>, <>, <> FILETIME=[464F0CA0:01C31011] id h41IgFio032389
Subject: RE: brain dead... over heating? but gauge is fine!
From: "Williams, Bill (Atlanta)" <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 13:41:27 -0500
Thread-index: AcMQEGrP4cMiHwtwT9uKM+2lFk6XRwAAFLAA
Thread-topic: brain dead... over heating? but gauge is fine!

Have you checked/replaced the thermostat?

BTW, when I replace a thermostat, I prop it open with an aspirin.  That
way when I fill up the radiator, it fills the entire system.  Once
started, the aspirin dissolves and the engine feels better <G>.

74 TR6

Subject: brain dead... over heating? but gauge is fine!

OK.... I'm sure you're all sick of my brain-dead
thinking as of late... but....

on my GT6 MKIII....

compression per cyl =  avg 165psi
Temp gauge works fine.  (new mechanical dual press temp) Thermostat=180
degrees Sparkplugs look fine (mixture good) Champion N12YC 13lbs
radiator cap 50/50 mix anti-freeze. (Maybe closer to 60/40 60=water)

So why would the car ...cruising down the highway
start ejecting water out the overflow bottle?
Enough so that it started spurting out the little 
lid breather hole and 'geyser-ing' against the underside
of the bonnet.  (water all over the place near the bottle)

I used a mechanical 'cooking' thermometer to check the head, radiator,
and back side of the waterpump/head area temperatures. All were below
185 degrees F.

Should there be some air space in the cooling system 
to allow for expansion?  I though that was the purpose 
of the radiator cap design. To allow it to loose coolant 
to the bottle, and then suck it back in as it cooled.

comments? wise-cracks? are all welcome 

Paul Tegler

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