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Re: TR6 differential off centre?

Subject: Re: TR6 differential off centre?
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 19:43:58 EST

Good observation.  I can't speak from personal  experience with a TR6, but I 
can tell you for sure that the TVR's that use the entire TR6 drivetrain and 
rear axles are the same way.  That is, the driveshaft, instead of running 
straight down the centerline of the car, is slightly angled to one side. TVR 
had the perfect chance to make the driveshaft run straight down the 
centerline of the car when they where designing the chassis and diff mounts 
for their cars, but didn't. 

I noticed this "feature" several years ago when I did my first ground up 
restoration of a TR6-powered TVR.  But not until the restored rolling chassis 
was all together.  I was standing there looking at the thing (admiring my 
work) and when I noticed the angled driveshaft my heart sank.  I thought I 
had somehow put the thing together wrong.  I looked at the "before" pictures 
I took of the same rolling chassis, and sure enough, the driveshaft was 
angled!  Since then I have done a couple more TR6-powered TVRs and they all 
have had the angled driveshaft.  

The drawing in my Bentley TR250/TR6 manual clearly shows the diff positioned 
such that the driveshaft is angled with respect to the centerline of the car. 
 I don't quite understand why they did it this way.

Rich Rock
Pottstown, PA

 In a message dated 12/16/02 3:53:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Hi everyone,
> The body work on the tub of my TR6 is progre$$ing rapidly, but one of
> the guys noticed something that struck them as odd while crawling around
> under the car.
> The pinnion of the differential is off centre which means the drive
> shaft will not run down the centre line of the chassis, it will always
> be at an angle.  I've trolled through the pics I snapped while taking
> the car apart but can't see for sure if this is the way it was on the
> original frame.  I also don't have access to my Bentley to check if the
> diff pins are welded to the frame off centre to compensate for the
> pinnion end of the diff being skewed to one side like it is.
> So, should the diff mounting pins be evenly spaced and the diff pinnion
> be off centre, or is the whole thing supposed to be skewed and the
> pinnion directly on the centre line of the chassis?
> Rob 

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