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To: <>
Subject: GT6
From: "Alun Bain" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 07:56:00 +1100
Thread-index: AcKe/GJ+FlFWO9K1TYSfK/dxXezxiQ==
Thread-topic: GT6
Hi all!

I have great news...  I am the proud new owner of a 1971 MkIII GT6, all
original but in several pieces!  It has been sitting in a garage since 1997
with the engine out and the dashboard, wiring loom, seats, carpet, bonnet,
windshield and liftback all removed.  I am taking the motor apart to lubricate
it before getting it started out of the car and the car is going elsewhere to
have a small bit of rust fixed at the back and to be reassembled! then the
motor goes back in and it's ready for a respray - woo hoo!  BUT... because it
has been sitting for a while (it was in everyday use till taken off the road
for rust and suspension in 1997) what are the likely problems with the engine,
what other things should I check? and if first gear is a little clunky but the
rest are fine, what is that likely to be?

Alun - 1971 GT6

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