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Re: Carpet quality

Subject: Re: Carpet quality
From: "David Dressel" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:07:10 -0500 FILETIME=[847528C0:01C24276]

It is highly unlikely that it happened to two people so recently, but when I 
bought my pieces of TR3A, the owner "threw in" a fiberglas trans tunnel.  I 
had an almost impossible (well, it was impossible) time fitting this to the 
car.  Even bought a mounting kit from Moss.  Well, I got so frustrated that 
I decided to purchase a different tunnel.  That's when I found out that 
neither Brit Vic nor Moss carry trans tunnels for TR3's - they only have 
them for TR4's.  So, I did a lot of trimming and fiberglas work and finally 
cut and shaped mine to fit the car.

I received my carpet from John Skinner, and tried to fit it to the interior. 
  Everything was perfect.  John even sent new plugs for the access points 
you mention.  But I didn't install them in the carpet - I put 'em in the 
floor, and held the carpet in place by using seat rails bolted through the 
carpet and the floor pan.  Of course, if I want top access to these places I 
have to remove the seat tracks, but that takes only a couple of minutes with 
a 7/16ths socket and the carpet lifts right out.  So, I have no holes in the 
carpet, and no fasteners, either.  Except for the tunnel.  I used a TR4 
shift boot (fit better and looked better, too), but my adjustments to the 
trans tunnel didn't exactly conform to OE shape of a TR3 tunnel.  So, I used 
a foil-coated undercarpet liner to reduce heat and to bulk-up the trans 
tunnel.  Wasn't completely satisfied, so I bought a bag of some sort of 
fuzzy pillow stuffing at the fabric store (must have shorn a lot of acrylics 
to get that hair) and stuffed it under the carpet.  All in all, looks pretty 
good.  Shifter boot is fixed to the fiberglass tunnel, and the carpet snugs 
up to the boot just fine.

Question is, did you install an old (or OE) TR3 trans tunnel, or did you 
install a TR4 trans tunnel?


David Dressel
Champaign, IL USA
'67 Jaguar Mk2 3.4 Auto
'60 Triumph TR3A (Betty Lou)

>From: David Templeton <>
>Reply-To: David Templeton <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: Carpet quality
>Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 19:25:37 -0400
>Hi all,
>When I bought my TR3a, the PO included the carpet set he had bought for the
>car. I tried to fit a piece to the tunnel cover and no matter how I tried I
>could not make it fit,

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