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RE: Hydraulic Presses

Subject: RE: Hydraulic Presses
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 08:48:04 -0700
> What's a 20 ton do that a 12 can't?
> Please don't say apply more than 24,000 lbs  :-)

I don't see much difference in the HF units beyond that, but I haven't
looked closely.  Some things to look at :

1) Distance between sides of the 'table'.  This sets the maximum size shaft
(or whatever) that can hang down.

2) Max distance from the ram to the table.  Sets the maximum object size
(for example to press the output shaft out of a TR gearbox you need about

3) Is it possible to move the table with stuff already on it?  (Mine isn't,
but I've wanted to do it more than once.)

4) How easy is it to fasten special fixtures to the ram ?  Mine has a groove
that's obviously for a quick connect of some sort (but unfortunately I
didn't get any tooling with it).  Otherwise it's easy to get into situations
where you need 3 hands, one to support the piece you're pressing on, one to
hold whatever mandrels you need, and one to work the jack handle.

5) Is it tall enough to see what you're doing without stooping?  Mine's
borderline too short, even after I added some casters to it.


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