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Re: BMW Sells British Motor Heritage Ltd.

Subject: Re: BMW Sells British Motor Heritage Ltd.
From: "Michael Gajic" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 17:29:17 +1000 FILETIME=[ED600C60:01C15938]
Peter Schoppelry wrote:

>My gut feeling is that this is not a good thing. BMW has the money to >keep 
>this operation going. Why are they selling it? Is because it is >not making 
>enought money? If so, how can the Legacy Consortium keep it >afloat? I hope 
>that I am wrong.


That's an excellent point about the Legacy Consortium's finances. Does 
anyone know who is financing their purchase?

Having said that, I don't think that this sale is necessarily a bad thing. I 
suspect BMW is selling BMH because it is a non-core business. BMW makes cars 
and bikes, they probably feel that they have no real reason to be in the 
business of classic British parts remanufacturing. I have no idea if BMH is 
doing well but do think that whilst BMW's pockets are deep, they probably 
would not invest the time, effort and money in BMH that the Legacy 
Consortium would (finances allowing) as in the end a (more) profitable BMH 
doesn't translate into higher sales of BMW's core products.



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