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Subject: Preservation
From: Raymond Hatfield <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 07:04:56 -0700 (PDT)
Please give me a moment of your time. This note is only marginally LBC-related
(I've taken pictures of my LBCs at this location), but is about preservation of
a different type.  If you're not interested, please delete now.

As you may or may not know, Fmr. President Bill Clinton is establishing his
presidential library in my hometown of Little Rock, AR.  Its location is in a
run-down but historic part of the city, part of the downtown area that is
experiencing a renaissance of sorts.  Within the grounds of the Library Park
are two very historic buildings, one that is already going to be preserved but
the other only recently discovered.  How is this possible?  The second building
was almost completely encased within a modern steel siding building, which hid
it from view but also preserved it in remarkable condition.  You can read the
details and see photos at this website:

Why am I telling y'all about this?  Because we desperately need your help.  On
the above website you can find links to email addresses of key people involved
with the Presidential Library, as well as phone numbers and mailing addresses. 
The only hope we have of saving this historic building is to create enough
public outcry to get the politician's attention.

Send an email saying you'd like the building saved, a postcard or even a phone
call.  The group that is working toward this is in no way opposed to the
Presidential Library, just in the needless destruction of a historic building.

Thank you for reading this, I apologize for getting off topic 

Raymond L. Hatfield
'65 TR4A IRS, O/D, SAH Tuned "Chance"
'73 Stag 4.3L, Auto, A/C, etc "Molly" 
Little Rock, AR

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