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RE: Stuck clutch???

To: "'Larry R. Metz'" <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: Stuck clutch???
From: Davies William-qswi646 <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 09:01:51 +0100
> Any suggestions on how to unstuck a clutch?

Hi Larry,
        I've had to deal with this problem with several different Triumphs,
and I so far I have a 100% success rate. My procedure is to raise the rear
end so the wheels are off the ground and make sure all is secure. Run the
car (out of gear) upto operating temperature then switch off. Select one of
the higher gears and start the engine. Sit in the car and periodically
depress the clutch pedal. The combination of engine heat and rotational
force is usually enough to break the corrosion between the plate and
flywheel. Jabbing the brake pedal while dipping the clutch can help if the
clutch is stubborn.
        This is about the most gentle way of releasing a clutch, and is a
much safer and controlled activity than some of the more extreme methods. Of
course if it doesn't work.... 
If your car has IRS, you ought to make sure that the rear wheels run
parallel to the ground when jacked, ie., support the suspension at either
side rather than the frame. In the case of Heralds and Spitfires, the
driveshafts will rest on the chassis rails at full deflection, so this is an
important consideration - I'm sure this isn't the case with the TR IRS.
        Hope this helps,

                            This Message sent by: 
   /                  \     William Davies 
  /                    \    Total Triumph Enthusiast 
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/  \  ______  ______  /  \  1959 Herald 948 Coupe Y128
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| =  H              H  = |  1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export 
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