If you have a brazing torch and some patience, you can use the George
Bush method of repairing the pinholes.
Here's how it works:
Jack the car up so that you can put a high intensity lamp under the
floor. Turn off the garage light and you will have the 1000 points of
light to guide your repairs. If the holes are really small, you can
just fill them with a little brass rod. Larger holes may require a
little metal patch brazed over it.
You will know that you are finished when you have extinguished all
thousand of the points of light.
Pat wrote:
> I have some pin holes in the floor pans of my Project TR3. The PDO put in
> "new" pans years back but did not use the factory ones.
> He did a good enough job that I just can not bring myself to fully remove
> them nor do I have the money to do so.
> Any idea's what I can smear over the pans to seal them up ?
> Thanks,Pat