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Re: No Brake Lights and I Give Up

To: Erkan Hassan <>,
Subject: Re: No Brake Lights and I Give Up
From: Bob Labuz <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 21:35:17 -0400
Organization: Adirondack Minerals
References: <>

According to the shop manual, the hot lead to the brake light switch is
GREEN and should begin at the fuse psn A4. If you have a 12 volt dc meter
check for 12V at the GREEN wire entering the brake light switch. If no
meter just use a 12 V bulb and and an alligator clip to ground to make a
complete circuit. If there is no voltage, your GREEN connection at the
fuse may be corroded or the wire could be broken. You better have 12 V at
the fuse psn at GREEN. If you have 12 V at the fuse but none at the
switch, check the GREEN from fuse to switch for continuity with an OLM
meter. If you dont have a meter, you can go to your local Home Depot or
LOWES and get one for about 15$.

I have a 3A and I am not sure if the wiring is the same. If a 3B is more
like a TR4 the wire color is still GREEN at the fuse and at the switch.

If you have 12 V to the switch have friend press break and check for 12 V
at the switch lead to the lights (wire color GREEN/PURPLE). IF no 12 V
switch is defective. IF 12 V after switch, check wire continuity from
switch to each light, color GREEN/PURPLE. This is a simple circuit. If you
have no voltage to the fuse, A4, you better check your ignition switch,
The wire is light-green and either is loose at the ignition switch or
broken OR your ignition switch is broke.


Bob Labuz
1958 TR3A
1974 T140V

Erkan Hassan wrote:

> Listers,
> All of a sudden and simultaneously, I lost the following on my 62
> TR3B:  brake lights (no lights when pedal depressed), turn signals (no
> blinking when signal turned on) and wipers (wipers did not move when
> button pulled out).
> Having no electrical skills whatsoever, I have done the following:
> 1.  Tail lights replaced.  The lights come on when the light switch is
> pulled out, just no brake lights.
> 2.  Stop light switch replaced
> 3.   Fuse block and fuses replaced with new block and fuses (25 and 20
> amp)
> The only change is that now the wipers work when the switch is pulled.
>  Still no brake lights nor turn signals.
> The horn, parking lights (front and rear) and headlights work.
> Before I take the car to a shop, I thought I would try the list for
> advice.  As I said I have less electrical skills than mechanical ones
> but I love the car and want to fix it while learning at the same time.
>  However the electrical stuff baffels me to no end.
> Is there something easy I am missing? As a;ways the wisdom of this
> list is appreciated.
> Erkan Hassan
> 62 TR3B
> TCF 536

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