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Re: some more about the Rover Company

Subject: Re: some more about the Rover Company
From: Brian Furgalus <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 21:22:46 -0500
References: <>


Please, by all means continue!  This hasn't once made the news (to my
knowledge), and I am getting all of my updates via the list.  This goes
to everyone else who is keeping those of us in the LBC community abreast
of industry developments.  I'd like to know what is going to become of
BMIHT.  And how about MG?  I know it's the "other" marque, but it is
currently the only mass-produced British Sportscar, and I'd be very
saddened to see MG go the way of the dodo (again).

The problems that BMW are experiencing are reminiscent of the problems
faced by British Leyland management in the late '70's and early
pre-Metro '80's.  If any of you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend
reading "Back from the Brink" by Michael Edwardes (president of BL
during those tumultuous restructurings that killed off Mg and Triumph). 
It really gives some insight into the difficulties they had.  One thing
I must add here, in defense of the TR7 (my TR), is that it was
definitely not the cause for Triumph's demise.  It was either scrap the
sportscars or face losing government funding and going bankrupt. 
Fascinating reading!

(ISBN 0-00-217074-4)

Brian wrote:
> In a message dated 16/03/00 00:18:51 GMT Standard Time, TexasTR4 writes:
> << Subj:    Re: some more about the Rover Company
>  Date:  16/03/00 00:18:51 GMT Standard Time
>  From:  TexasTR4
>  To:    GuyotLeonF,
>  In a message dated 03/15/2000 12:42:04 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << BMW exposed as a cynical opportunist rather than a
>   trustworthy guardian of the Midlands' biggest employer."  >>
>  Grungy bastids at dare they want to make a profit!
>  First two goals of any business should be:
>  1. Make money
>  2. Make more money
>  Only after that is anything else possible.
>  R. Houston >>
> ******************************************************************************
> **************
> Hey, hey...calm down, I didn't write it, I just forwarded the story for the
> listers general interest in the present owners of the Triumph own
> opinions remain just that, my own...they were not reflected in any part of
> the mailing.
> It is probably that it will not make the news in the USA to the extent it is
> making it here in England...that is why I forwarded it.
> If it is upsetting folk to this extent, perhaps I should stop.
> FWIW, I am no particular fan of BMW either!!!
> L�on
> Triumph Sports Six Club
> International Liaison Secretary
> 1963 Triumph Vitesse 2-Litre Convertible
> Wimbledon, London, England.

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