One question - how long does a judge, or a team of judges - typically spend
on a car at a concours (say, at VTR)? My own answer would be 'as much time
as is available, depending on the number of cars entered', but something
more numerical would help. I'm wondering if they would happen to find an
esoteric item such as that (I suppose they might if the car just before that
had clips). Thanks! JD
p.s. - the Ebay TR3A is up to $14,400 and counting. Yeeee-haaaaa!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Musson, Carl []
Sent: February 17, 2000 11:23 AM
To: 'TR-List'
Subject: RE: JUDGES question....TR-3A dash recovering and
metal clips
From the comments made by many with regards to this thread. It
appears that
the change over did happen at or about the 60000 mark.
Now a question for the judging guru's... If a post 60000 car has
the clips,
points? Or even if it is the other way around. (<60000 without)
-----Original Message-----
From: fogbro1 []
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 8:52 PM
To: George Richardson
Cc:; Jim Bauder; Musson, Carl; TR
Subject: Re: FW: TR-3A dash recovering and metal clips
George, you are correct. "Early" cars had a covering which was glued
fastened with those clips, such as yours. "Later" cars had a
that was fused to the metal, such as mine.
Now the question is: what's "Early" and what's "Late"? When was the
change made? Maybe it's a "post 60,000" thing.
Ed Woods