My question is that I already have a replacement switch if my fix
doesn't work but what kind of grief am I looking at to remove the dash
to get access to the wiring to fit the replacement? Or should I
consider just cutting the wires on the replacement and soldering it onto
the existing wires instead?
>>>>>Try removing the seat, putting down a couple of old pillows to keep the
seat tracks from digging into your back, and working on the switch from your
back. Two bolts to take the seat out is less work than taking the dash out,
especially if you don't need to fix the blower motor (see below).
Bear in mind I'm 90% sure I'll need to
remove the dash to replace a seized blower motor, unless someone out
there knows any easy route to fixing that.
>>>>>Check your connections on the blower motor switch and make sure that they
are all connected before tearing it out. Check for continuity where it should
be and that you are getting power to the wire that goes to the switch. Check
the fuse too. The blower motors whine and squeal and seize eventually but you
might have a much smaller, easier to cure problem.
And one last thing, after only two hours of fiddling, I managed to kill
the battery. In a previous post I asked about the little red IGN light
on the tach and the concensous was the alt is in need of
repair/replacing. To review the symptoms, the light goes out when the
car is above 1500rpm (and the headlights become brighter) but comes back
on when it drops to idle. I don't want to have to keep the engine at
2000rpm while I work on it to keep the battery charged.
>>>>>Hook up a battery charger to the battery and you won't have to run the
engine at all. Hopefully the list will correct me on this if it's not such a
great idea but I've done that to run my gas analyzer for the 10-15 minutes it
takes to stabilize it.
If I can't find a replacement easily, what do I need to
buy/replace/refurbish/repair to
"rebuild" and alt?
>>>>>Sounds like the voltage regulator to me, which you can get from one of the
big three.
71TR6 CC57365
71TR6 CC65446
66TR4A CTC57806